Our Story A Circle of Strength and Love
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Sweet Song Ministries is a Non-Denominational Church and Ministerial Outreach that started as a dream but has since evolved
into so much more. Pam Powers Moore founded Sweet Song Ministries in 2008 as a way of giving back. She wanted to provide a
worship atmosphere where believers could enjoy the presence of the Lord and the fellowship of brothers and sisters in Christ.
She also wanted to encourage others by telling of the difference faith has made in her life, and the effect it can have on
theirs. Her greatest desire is to share the love of God; and as she works to reach others with the message of Salvation, she
stresses the importance of a personal one-on-one relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit. This message is not limited
to her congregation or regular Sunday morning worship services; it is reflected in her daily life. As she works to meet the
spiritual and physical needs of her community, she is often called upon to speak and sing at social and civic events. She
is caring, professional and confident in her approach and never hesitates to go the extra mile to accomplish her mission.
Her dedication and unselfish commitment to this calling is astounding as she allows God to use her to touch and transform
the lives of others. . Sweet Song Ministries primarily focuses on FAMILY and the gift God gives us through the lives of those
closest to us. It is a Ministry of HEART, a Ministry of SHARING and more importantly, a Ministry of LOVE. Our home office
is located at Heaven's Grace, just outside Buckhannon, West Virginia and we are a Full Gospel Ministry. The truly special thing about Sweet
Song Ministries is that it is far-reaching and is not confined to one specific area. The message of God's love is extended
to the community at large through Sweet Song Ministries' website, social media, seminars, conferences and vocal presentations.
Sweet Song Ministries we focus on Relationship, not Religion and our goal is to let God's love flow through us to the hearts
of others. We all get busy in our day to day lives, but there is just something about sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening
for His still small voice that can start the day off right and get us going in the right direction Pam is actively involved in all aspects
of the ministry and is authorized to perform all sacred duties in connection with her calling. She was Ordained and Licensed
in 2008 and is supported and encouraged by the Pastor and congregation of her local Church and others with whom she
has been privileged to serve. God has nurtured and developed Sweet Song Ministries into a vibrant Church and Ministerial
Outreach and the direction He has taken it is astounding. Pam puts her heart and soul into each aspect
of the ministry and as she lets God's love flow through her to others, His powerful presence is more than evident.
Thank you for allowing us to share our story. Please let us know if we can be of service and we look forward to working
with you at some time in the future.
Until then...
Take care, Keep Smilin' and Above All... . Be Blessed!
. , About Pam Powers Moore . .

Perhaps you've listened as the voice of Pam
Powers Moore filled a room with song, or been moved as she spoke to an audience so intent you could hear a pin drop.
Maybe you've been awestruck by the sincereity with which she speaks or the smile that radiates as she shares her faith, but
whatever your experience, you will agree the calling of Pam Powers Moore is one of heartfelt conviction. . Pam was born and raised in the Hodgesville Community near Buckhannon, West Virginia and remembers fondly the
roots of her childhood and the people of her church and community who influenced her growth. She attended local
schools and went on to obtain a degree in Business from Fairmont State College in Fairmont, West Virginia.
She is a 2004 Vision Award Winner of the Dale Carnegie Training Course, a member of the American Association of Christian
Counselors, American Association of Wedding Officiants, American Association of Professional Women and the West Virginia
Professional Women's Club. She also serves as Chaplain of the Central West Virginia Republican Women's organization.
Pam has distinguished herself with a successful career in Business Administration; as well as her accomplishments in
many other areas, to include music, literary arts, and public speaking. Pam is a devoted wife, mother and grandmother,
and together with her husband, has extended her heart and home to other children who she lovingly refers to as her "family
by heart".
Even as a child Pam enjoyed singing. She smiles as she remembers being asked to
sing for Sunday morning services at the Heaston United Methodist Church in Hodgesville. She was always ready with a song,
and it wasn't long before the Sunday School Superintendent, Mr. Bill Cutright, nicknamed her "Songbird". Though
nervous, she enjoyed being asked to sing, and as time will have it, the nervousness and somewhat timid nature of her youth
have been replaced by the outgoing, charismatic person she has become. But one thing that has not changed is Pam's dedication,
and as she sings her heart out, her faith rings clear.
. Pam began her call to ministry as a United Methodist Lay Speaker in 2002. She was Ordained
and Licensed as a Non-Denominational Christian Minister in May 2008, after which time she established
Sweet Song Ministries and started her church. The special thing about Sweet Song Ministries is that it is not confined to
the members of Pam's church. Through the calling and giftings of the Holy Spirit she extends the message of God's love to
the community at large through her website, media productions, seminars nd conferences; and she also writes and officiates
personalized wedding ceremonies. As a speaker for Stonecroft Ministries, International she travels to many East Coast
areas sharing her faith and inviting others into a personal relationship with Christ. She has become known for her riveting personal
testimony entitled "A Capsized Boat Makes It To Shore", and speaks to women's groups, marriage seminars and retreats
at every opportunity. Sweet Song Ministries continues to realize astounding growth as Pam ministers at churches, conferences,
social and civic organizations throughout the East Coast and surrounding areas. One of Pam's most humbling moments came
when she was invited by Senator Donna Boley, to sing before the State Senate in Charleston, West Virginia and says it was
a real privilege to share her faith in this manner. Pam especially enjoys time spent with residents of Nursing Home
and Assisted Living facilities and says "They are special people with a lot of love to give, and they bless me much more
than I could ever possibly bless them". Pam's unique style of speaking, along with her inspiring musical presentations
have been described as "anointed, uplifting and spirit-filled". . In her spare time, Pam enjoys vacationing with her family at Hunting Island, SC and when asked
the meaning behind the inscription "ISLNDGRL" on her license plate, she replied: . "I have always been aware of God's presence, but
nowhere more than at the ocean. When the waves crash upon the shore at high tide, I am reminded that no matter what
is going on in my life, God is with me. With His gentle whisper He speaks "Peace Be Still" and even my most
intense fears turn to calm. When the waves are still, it reminds me that God keeps His promises, and if we listen with
our hearts, He will speak to us in that "still small voice" that is His alone. When I look out into the distance
and see the lighthouse beckoning the ships to safety, I know in my heart that Jesus is my own personal Lighthouse and when
I feel lost, or am in a difficult situation, I am never alone because He has promised never to leave or forsake me". . Pam will be going into the studio
to record her 4th CD this summer and hopes to have her newest book, "Riding on the Winds of God", completed later
this year. . Pam
has an awesome appreciation for life and will be the first to tell you that when it's all said and done, God, family and love
is really all there is.